Friday, May 20, 2011

Daisy graduates kindergarten

We weren't sure she'd make it.

Opening procession.

Press row.

A song. Or something.

Rhythm sticks. Definitely a song.

Break it down!

And march.

"Somos Como las Flores" in patented SkinnyVision.

Checking out the other class.

The procession out.

Back in the classroom, presenting a present to Mom. As Mr. Campos said, "They started out being bowls. Now, they're open to interpretation."

Two years ago at Buster's graduation, a lot of the kids had been all dressed up. So Daisy has been looking forward all year to her graduation when she'd get to dress up. Only the school announced the week before that students would have to wear their uniform. Daisy was disappointed she didn't get to wear the new dress we'd bought for the occasion, but we went out to dinner and she got to wear it then. Here it is:
