Tuesday, June 29, 2010

KOA "camping"

In the cabin, or actually the "kabin."

Living off the land, fully immersed in the wild.

Just like the pioneers!

Daisy and Posie play hoops in the gloaming. It's not as dark as it looks in the photo.

Postgame pose.


Banana bikes. It takes a few minutes to get used to riding them. Buster gets started.

Now he's getting it, and he's having more fun than it looks like here.

Posie. Here she is getting the hang of it:

Four-wheel version for Daisy.

Jennifer, Taye and Ren go for the SUV model.

Daisy Andretti!

It looks dire at the end of this, but child-welfare authorities please note: She did not crash into that building, or anything else.

Cecil B. DeKing gets the shot.