Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween card

Kindergarten must be taking. In the last few days, Buster has been spontaneously spelling things. He asks for almost no help. He just sits down and figures out what letters to use by listening to the sound of the word. The only question he asked in the making of this card was, "What letter sounds like 'uh'?"


"Welcome to space heroes Halloween space card." Note the false start, crossed out with black marker. Because it's so hard to find a blank piece of paper in our house. We only have about 10 packages of it.

I think the space man in the circle is Buster. The four blue things are the name patches the four of us wear on our space suits.


I think that's our rocket. It's some rocket, anyway.

(Click for larger version)

The inside is a message to Mom about something exciting that Dad bought for dinner: "Dear Jane, Guess what. King bought toasted ravioli. Love, Buster." The little drawing is the four pieces of toasted ravioli in the little frozen-dinner tray it came in. Not sure what that is above and to the right of it. Both kids reported that the toasted ravioli was lousy. And Buster doesn't call us Jane and King.