Saturday, December 13, 2008


In costume. This is outside Buster's school, where there was a Halloween festival in the late afternoon. But before we went in, Daisy busted out the old soft shoe. Really. This isn't clever photo selection or anything. She just started knockin' out the ol' Cyd Charisse.


Go cat go!

Pick your toenails up tomorrow!

Meanwhile, Cruella DeVille waits at home

Trick-or-treating in our neighborhood isn't house-to-house. It's store-to-store down Mission Street.

The place that sells the hoodies with the giant SF on the back.

North Beach Pizza

Whattaya mean closed?

Wait. I think I heard someone unlock a door.

At long last it's time to go home to contemplate the true meaning of the holiday.

Mmmmm. Meaning.

So. Right to bed now, right?
