Sunday, January 25, 2015

The definition of insanity

Buster: I've asked you a question 20 times and you haven't answered. 
Dad: And now you're going to ask it again. 
Buster: Yes. What's for dinner?
Dad: And you think that this time, you're going to get an answer? 
Buster: Yes. 
Dad: Do you know what Albert Einstein's definition of insanity was? 
Buster: No. What's for dinner? 
Dad: Would you like to hear what Albert Einstein's definition of insanity was? 
Buster: No. 
Dad: Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is—
Buster: I don't care!
Dad: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.
Buster: That's nice. What's for dinner? 
