Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The decision

Dad, I finally decided what I'm going to be when I grow up.
At long last! What are you going to be?
I'm going to be an artist.
Oh, well, you already told me you're going to be an artist and a baseball player. Now it's just artist?
OK. How'd you decide that?
Well, it was a list of about 30 things that I could vote for and that's what I picked.
Where was the list, at school?
No, it was about two weeks and a couple weekends.
Yeah, but did they have that list at school?
No. It was over about two weeks and a couple weekends.
Oh, the list was in your head?
What else was on it that you could have voted for?
Firefighter, astronaut, baseball player. Football player, basketball player, soccer player. Policeman, security guard, knight. Bus driver, taxi driver.
Oh, look, there's a taxi driver right there.
[Daisy] There's a taxi right there, Busta.
I know, Daisy. Lobby person.
Lobby person.
What's a lobby person?
The person who sits in the lobby.

Well, you ask a silly question ...