Friday, May 06, 2005

Scenes from a wedding

With the nattily T-shirted Caleb Pike. It was one of those classy weddings. They served breakfast bars.

That's Zema Riseling in front of Buster.



Here's a better shot of Zema. Good grief, kid, don't be cute or anything.

Cutting a rug -- actually chasing a paper airplane, I think -- with Simi.

Elizabeth and John, the happy couple, at the rehearsal dinner.

Another happy couple: Jane and me. Actually, that's a happy 2.67. Plus the fin de siècle S.F. lunch posse of Sara, Dawn and Simi, from left.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Did you pee in the potty?
Good for you.
Actually, there was no pee in the potty.
Actually, there was no pee in the potty.
Oh, OK.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Do you remember where we went last week?
Where'd we go in California?
San Francisco in the green car.
Where else?
Lost Anjuls.
Who'd we see there?
Grandma and grandpa, and we go on the shuttle bus and at the airport and on the airplane and I cried.
Yeah, you were sad when they took your stroller.
Yeah, because I was.
But then when we flew home you didn't cry.
No, I didn't cry. Because I didn't. And, I played on the airplane, and we saw downtown at the airport.
We saw downtown from the airplane.
Yeah. We did.
Did you have fun on the airplane?
Yeah. I did.
So did I.


Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Buster, come over here and look at the sea lions!
No. I'm playing on the stairs.
Don't you want to see the sea lions?
Well, come over here a second. You can see the Golden Gate Bridge.
I play on the stairs.
But you've been talking about the Golden Gate Bridge for days. You can see it right over there. Do you remember what color it is?
It's red.
Want to go see it?
No. I want to play on the stairs.

Yeah, I guess they're pretty picturesque too.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Magic bed

Buster, look. See this chair? It's magic. It becomes your bed!
It's like Charlie Chaplin's bed.
Right! Only his was broken. This one's not broken.
His bed broke his hat. His hat got broken.
That's right, it did. Well, this one's not broken, and it won't break your hat.

"Thinking of You"

The difficult second album

Oh, no

Terrorist in the kitchen again. Dang. Who left the back door open? Come on, people, with all the terrorists running around these days, you can't be too careful. Where did I put that anti-terrorist -- oh, wait a second ...

Never mind. It's just Buster. And anyway, it looks like the broom is keeping an eye on things.