Tuesday, June 13, 2006

No singing

[Singing] Hurry, hurry, get your socks on, hurry --
No! Don't sing that.
What do you want me to sing?
OK. [Singing] Nothing! Nothing-nothing, noth --
No! Don't sing that either!
Why not?
'Cause it's noying me.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Parent of the year

nomination photo. (S.F., early May)



The cook

Very, very

Daddy, I wish I had some Scooby-Doo socks.
I wish you did too.
Well, Daddy, when you go to the store, tomorrow, let's go to the store. When you go, will you please get some Scooby-Doo socks for me?
Yeah, I will.
Daddy, if you go to the Scooby-Doo store and get me some Scooby-Doo socks, I will be very, very happy. Very happy.
I'll try to do that. I don't know if there's such a thing as Scooby-Doo socks, but if there is I'm gonna try to get them because that was really good talking.
Yeah. Daddy, when your little boy does something good, you should do a nice thing for your little boy, because that's very, very good. And the good thing I did was change my poopy pullup.


Forest Park, late April.

Travelin' Man

Lambert Field, early morning, 4/29/06.

A-need confusion

Asleep in the high chair.

New dimensions

In Scooby-Doo, thanks to the new portable DVD player, bought for the trip to San Francisco. This was the trial run. As it happened, it wasn't needed on the flight out. Buster was a model of comportment and a fine traveling companion. But it sure eased the stress level knowing the big gun was waiting under the seat if needed.


Buster, is Daisy the cutest baby in that baby room at school?
Daisy is the cutest baby in the whole baby world.


Peter and Jeb get to know Daisy. We're backing up a little here to late April.